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Welcome to Meowix Linux

Meowix Linux is an Arch Linux-based distribution that heavily utilizes the Catppuccin Mocha theme and BSPWM. We aim to make the installation of a beautiful and efficient system easier than ever before!

Installation Guide

Why Choose Meowix Linux?

Meowix Linux is not just another Linux distribution; it's a purrfect blend of power, customization, and feline flair. Here's why you'll love it:

Unique Catppuccin Mocha Theme

Experience a visually pleasing and distinctive custom-crafted desktop environment with the soothing Catppuccin Mocha theme.

BSPWM Brilliance

Be productive with the powerful BSPWM window manager, allowing you to manage windows easily in a binary space partitioned, master-stack, or other layout - the choice is yours!

Rock-Solid Arch Base

Meowix Linux is based on Arch Linux, a simple rolling-release distribution. Use the powerful `pacman` package manager and get updates at the speed of light.

Seamless Installation

The Meowix Linux ISOs include the Calamares installer, which makes setting up Meowix a breeze, getting you up and running with a beautiful and efficient system in no time.

Get Started with Meowix